Mary Magdalene Trusty

Appears in 4 items.
Content type
Title Contributor(s) Date
Knoxville Girl Performer: Trusty, Mary Magdalene; Performer: Trusty, Katherine Sep 11, 1937
Knoxville Girl Performer: Trusty, Mary Magdalene; Performer: Trusty, Katherine; Recordist: Lomax, Elizabeth Lyttleton Sep 11, 1937
The Wild and Reckless Motorman Performer: Trusty, Mary Magdalene; Recordist: Lomax, Elizabeth Lyttleton; Recordist: Lomax, Alan Sep 11, 1937
The Niagara Falls Performer: Trusty, Mary Magdalene; Recordist: Lomax, Elizabeth Lyttleton; Recordist: Lomax, Alan Sep 11, 1937