
Appears in 7 items.
Content type
Title Contributor(s) Date
Angels Watching Over Me Performer: Unidentified children; Recordist: Lomax, John A. Mar 9, 1937
You Must Have That Pure Religion Performer: Unidentified children; Performer: Pinckney, Corrine; Recordist: Lomax, John A. Mar 9, 1937
Go to Sleepy Little Baby Performer: Boone, Annie; Recordist: Lomax, John A. Mar 9, 1937
Come Butter Come Performer: Coston, Daisy Lee; Recordist: Lomax, John A. Mar 9, 1937
All Them Biscuits Performer: Boone, Eva Grace; Recordist: Lomax, John A. Mar 9, 1937
Eve and Adam Performer: Unidentified children; Performer: Branch, Bessie May; Recordist: Lomax, John A. Mar 9, 1937
I'll Move If the Spirit Says Move Performer: Unidentified children; Performer: Branch, Bessie May; Recordist: Lomax, John A. Mar 9, 1937