
Appears in 6 items.
Content type
Title Contributor(s) Date
Ransom Handsome Cinnamon Tea Performer: Garland, Clarice; Recordist: Barnicle, Mary Elizabeth Jan 1, 1938
Green Gravels Performer: Garland, Clarice; Recordist: Barnicle, Mary Elizabeth Jan 1, 1938
Go In and Out the Window Performer: Garland, Clarice; Recordist: Barnicle, Mary Elizabeth Jan 1, 1938
Bobby Shaftoe Performer: Unidentified woman; Recordist: Barnicle, Mary Elizabeth Jan 1, 1938
Row Row Row Your Boat Performer: Unidentified woman; Recordist: Barnicle, Mary Elizabeth Jan 1, 1938
London Bridge Performer: Garland, Clarice; Recordist: Barnicle, Mary Elizabeth Jan 1, 1938