Bormujos II 9/52

September 24, 1952
Bormujos, Sevilla, Andalucía, Spain
This is a group of male singers with counterparts in other parts of Spain, including Andalucia itself, and Murcia. Miguel Angel Berlanga explains that "Campanilleros” have been popular in Andalucia ever since the Dominicans introduced them in the eighteenth century, linked to the worship of the Rosary of the Aurora (Dawn). In Bormujos, unlike several other areas in Spain where these groups are exclusively male, some women had begun to join them even before Lomax's visit, as evidences by these recordings. The singers accompany themselves on typical small percussion instruments; according to the tape box: "three handbells, a triangle, and a jar of which the mouth is struck with an alpargata to make the bass." This is also found in other parts of Spain: a clay jug or cántaro struck with some form of soft shoe, traditionally the straw-soled "alpargata." The field log also lists castanets, friction drum (zambomba, which Lomax spelled in the Catalan way, ximbomba), and guitar.

Los pastores de Bormujos

Esta noche se celebra

Cuando viene despuntando el alba


La Virgen va caminando (Los peces en el río) (part 1)

La Virgen va caminando (Los peces en el río) (part 2)

Sagrado y celestial convite


Sagrado y celestial convite

Alabado y bendito / La pradera

La pradera (false start)

La pradera



El gazpacho se perdió una noche

Muy temprano va la Magdalena / El labriego

Percussion ambience

Le dio la puerta

Le dio la puerta (fragment)

El labriego que en campos de Utrera


El labriego que en campo de Utrera

Se antojo a la Virgen

Como viene despuntando el alba


En Bormujos la Virgen María

Los pastores de Bormujos (I)

Los pastores de Bormujos (II)

Ya se va la noche

Bulerías (fragment)

Si voy a la fuente


Fandango (I)

Entre los dos

Un barrio que hay en Sevilla


Con los rincones

No te acuerdes más de mi

Como lo sabe cantar

Unidentified threshing songs / Lullaby

Fandango (II)

Todo el mundo tiene puerta

Ay, pa' la sierra (I)


Ay, pa' la sierra (II)

Viva Jérez, viva Cádiz

Fandango (III)

Por que no me dio la gana

35 Results