Ondarroa 1/53

January 3, 1953 to January 4, 1953
Ondarroa, Vizcaya, País Vasco, Spain
Alan Lomax returned to the Basque Country at the end of his stay in Spain, driving back and forth between small villages over the last two days of December 1952 and the first few days of January 1953. Earlier Basque recordings were made in August 1952.

Goizeko ordu bietan (fragment)

Txalupa handixe (I)

Txalupa handixe (II)

Afaldurikan bapo, bapo

Nagusi Jauna

Ai, ama! Gaztian nintzanian dama

Koadrila batzen gara (I)

Koadrila batzen gara (II)

Hiru Lo-Kanta: Neuk alboan / Aitita dala Tutulumendi / Neure umia (II)

Unidentified song

Udaberrian txoriak

Ameriketan ez dakizute (I)

Ameriketan ez dakizute (II)

Nere maitia jeiki

Zuek Getariarrok

Ni naiz emakume (false start)

Ni naiz emakume

Mendiko umia naiz ta

Biluzkeria maite dun batek

Hiru Lo-Kanta: Neuk alboan / Aitita dala Tutulumendi / Neure umia (I)

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