Val de San Lorenzo 11/52

These songs were recorded in the kitchen of Dolores Fernández Geijo and feature her singing as well as that of her mother, Carolina Geijo, and her aunt, Antonia Geijo, in the village of San Lorenzo near Astorga, in the Maragato region. The Maragatos were known as muleteers on poor and difficult land and for their honesty. Dolores was one of the last great weavers of the area, and in 2001 she recalled that the payments Alan Lomax had had sent from the BBC enabled her, as a young woman with small children, to keep her loom. Eventually she not only was able to earn her living with it, but became well-known to many visitors, both local and foreign, who came to see and buy her work. She continued singing and playing tambourine all her life, dying in 2002. —J.R. Cohen


Sentáivos, casada

Viva la novia y el novio

Entra, niña, pa' tu casa (I)

Entra, niña, pa' tu casa (II)

Que vivan y revivan los señores novios

La pulga y el piojo

El Judío honrado / El bonetero de la trapería

El pajarito, el pajarero (I)

El pajarito, el pajarero (II)

A la puerta de mi padre

Ojos negros, cara blanca


Adormecete, mi niño

Entra, niño, entra (Madre, a la puerta hay un niño)

El castillo de la Virgen (En el cielo hay un castillo)

El mismis (Una perdiz en el monte)

La zarzamora

Sal a bailar, maragato

El molinero

No canto porque bien canto

En casa del tío Vicente (La Lola)

Yo no sé que cantar cante

La boda estorbada (Grandes guerras se han armado)

Pumba y dale

Cintas y palos de las Mayas

Maypole song fragment

Que no te puedo olvidar (fragment)

Por aquella cuesta arriba

Al alto cielo subí (Ay, hermana)

Duérmete, niño angelito

19 Results