
Appears in 4 items.
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Title Contributor(s) Date
Wild and Reckless Hobo Performer: Hoskins, Theophilus G.; Recordist: Lomax, Elizabeth Lyttleton; Recordist: Lomax, Alan Oct 3, 1937
Free A Little Bird Performer: Hoskins, Theophilus G.; Recordist: Lomax, Elizabeth Lyttleton; Recordist: Lomax, Alan Oct 3, 1937
Casey Jones Performer: Hoskins, Theophilus G.; Recordist: Lomax, Elizabeth Lyttleton; Recordist: Lomax, Alan Oct 3, 1937
The Hog-Eyed Man Performer: Hoskins, Theophilus G.; Recordist: Lomax, Elizabeth Lyttleton; Recordist: Lomax, Alan Oct 3, 1937