
Appears in 7 items.
Content type
Title Contributor(s) Date
Henri-o (false start) Performer: Alphonse, Nicholson; Recordist: Lomax, Alan Jun 25, 1962
Henri-o (part 1) Performer: Unidentified men; Performer: Alphonse, Nicholson; Recordist: Lomax, Alan Jun 25, 1962
Interview with Dixon Athanase and others about the text to Lamo Pa Dou Performer: Unidentified woman; Performer: Unidentified men; Performer: Lomax, Alan Jun 25, 1962
Lamo Pa Dou (I) Performer: Athanase, Dixon; Recordist: Lomax, Alan Jun 25, 1962
Lamo Pa Dou (II) Performer: Unidentified men; Performer: Athanase, Dixon; Recordist: Lomax, Alan Jun 25, 1962
Moune Parle Francais Performer: Unidentified men; Performer: Athanase, Dixon; Recordist: Lomax, Alan Jun 25, 1962
Ti Boy-o Performer: Unidentified men; Performer: Alphonse, Nicholson; Recordist: Lomax, Alan Jun 25, 1962