
Appears in 8 items.
Content type
Title Contributor(s) Date
Come On Boys, Let's Go to the Ball (#1) Performer: Head, Will; Performer: Askew, Alec (Turpentine); Recordist: Lomax, Alan Aug 15, 1942
Emmaline, Take Your Time Performer: Lomax, Alan; Performer: Hemphill, Sid; Recordist: Lomax, Alan Aug 15, 1942
Leather Britches Performer: Head, Will; Performer: Askew, Alec (Turpentine); Performer: Smith, Lucius Aug 15, 1942
Old Blues Performer: Head, Will; Performer: Askew, Alec (Turpentine); Performer: Smith, Lucius Aug 15, 1942
Quills tuning / Come On Boys, Let's Go to the Ball (#2) Performer: Hemphill, Sid; Performer: Askew, Alec (Turpentine); Recordist: Lomax, Alan Aug 15, 1942
Rye Straw Performer: Head, Will; Performer: Askew, Alec (Turpentine); Performer: Smith, Lucius Aug 15, 1942
So Soon I'll Be At Home Performer: Head, Will; Performer: Askew, Alec (Turpentine); Performer: Smith, Lucius Aug 15, 1942
The Devil's Dream Performer: Head, Will; Performer: Askew, Alec (Turpentine); Performer: Smith, Lucius Aug 15, 1942