Note: Shirley Lomax Duggan recalls her first job working for the Daily Texan at the University of Texas at the time her father resigned because of a disagreement with H. L. Stark, the head of the U.T. Board of Regents. Anecdotes about the family move with John A. Lomax's prized Rhode Island Red pullets loose in the family car. She sings folksongs, comic songs, and children's songs their mother sung to them: "Five little mice on the pantry floor / Seeking for crumbs or something more"| "Oh, where are the merry, merry little men that join us in our play?" "Come now, and listen / to a tale of woe / Of Juliet / and Romeo" (to the tune of "Long, Long Ago")| "All the Pretty Little Horses"| "I Once Did Know a Farmer, / a Jolly Good Old Soul"| "There was an old woman and she had a little pig." John A. Lomax's accidents. Anecdotes about living in poverty while her husband was in medical school. The tribulations of a navy wife in Corpus Christi and California. A joke played by John Lomax, Jr., on Shirley's daughter Pat.