O.C. King

Appears in 5 items.
Content type
Title Contributor(s) Date
The Queen of Africa (#1) Performer: King, O.C.; Recordist: Lomax, Alan; Recordist: Jones, Lewis Jul 25, 1942
Shine and the Titanic (#1) Performer: King, O.C.; Recordist: Lomax, Alan; Recordist: Jones, Lewis Jul 25, 1942
The Queen of Africa (#2) Performer: King, O.C.; Recordist: Lomax, Alan; Recordist: Jones, Lewis Jul 25, 1942
Shine and the Titanic (#2) Performer: King, O.C.; Recordist: Lomax, Alan; Recordist: Jones, Lewis Jul 25, 1942
Toast about preachers Performer: King, O.C.; Recordist: Lomax, Alan; Recordist: Jones, Lewis Jul 25, 1942